
Shire - AI Coding Agent Language

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English Introduction

Shire offers a seamless AI coding agent language, enabling large language models (LLMs) to engage in fluid dialogue with integrated development environments (IDEs) to achieve automated programming.

The concept of Shire has its roots in AutoDev, a subproject of UnitMesh. Within AutoDev, we envisioned an AI-driven integrated development environment for developers, which included Shire’s predecessor, DevIns. DevIns was designed to empower users to create custom AI agents tailored to their own IDEs, thus forging a personalized AI-powered development realm.

Chinese Introduction

PS:the Shire 一词来自于《魔戒》(LOTR)中的(夏尔)Shire,是霍比特人(Hobbit)的家园。

Shire 提供了一种简便的 AI 编码智能体语言,使大型语言模型(LLM)能够与集成开发环境(IDE)无缝交互,实现编程自动化。

Shire 的概念起源于 AutoDev,这是 UnitMesh 的一个子项目。在 AutoDev 中,我们设计了一个面向开发者的 AI 驱动集成开发环境(IDE),其中包括 Shire 的前身 DevIns。DevIns 旨在让用户能够为他们自己的 IDE 创建定制的 AI 代理,从而构建个性化的 AI 驱动开发环境。

Shire 示例:

Shire Cheatsheet

Shire Data Architecture:

Shire Data Architecture

Shire Resources

Demo Video


Shire AI Coding Agent Language


Shire AI Coding Agent Language