name: "AutoTest"
description: "AutoTest"
interaction: AppendCursor
actionLocation: ContextMenu
when: { $fileName.contains(".java") && $filePath.contains("src/main/java") }
  "frameworkContext": /.*/build\.gradle\.kts/ { find("org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-jdbc") | print("This project use Spring Framework")}
Write unit test for following ${context.language} code.


#if($context.relatedClasses.length() > 0 )
Here is the relate code maybe you can use

#if($context.currentClass.length() > 0 )
This is the class where the source code resides:

Here is the source code to be tested:


Should include package and imports. Start method test code with Markdown code block here:
Should include package and imports. Start ${context.targetTestFileName} test code with Markdown code block here: