在 Shire 中,我们提供了一些内置变量,以便用户可以更方便地使用。



变量名 描述
selection User selection code/element’s in text
selectionWithNum User selection code/element’s in text with line number
beforeCursor All the text before the cursor
afterCursor All the text after the cursor
fileName The name of the file
filePath The path of the file
methodName The name of the method
language The language of the current file
commentSymbol The comment symbol of the language
all All the text


变量名 描述
currentClassName The name of the current class
currentClassCode The code of the current class
currentMethodName The name of the current method
currentMethodCode The code of the current method
relatedClasses The related classes based on the AST analysis
similarTestCase The similar test cases based on the TfIDF analysis
imports The import statements required for the code structure
isNeedCreateFile Flag indicating whether the code structure is being generated in a new file
targetTestFileName The name of the target test file where the code structure will be generated
underTestMethodCode The code of the method under test
frameworkContext The framework information in dependencies of current project
codeSmell Include psi error and warning
methodCaller The method that initiates the current call
calledMethod The method that is being called by the current method
similarCode Recently 20 files similar code based on the tf-idf search
structure The structure of the current class, for programming language will be in UML format
changeCount The number of changes in the current file
lineCount The number of lines in the current element
complexityCount The complexity of the current element

Some languages may not support all the variables, depending on the language support.